Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wedding Help

Hi guys

Well, further to my post in the Florence section (thanks for some great advice) she said yes and we have a wedding to arrange. We want to (this will sound more ruthless than it’s meant to) have it our own way, relaxed, sunny day, something different and unique. We also want to acknowledge there is a credit crunch going on and we’re as effected as anyone else.

With this in mind we were thinking of abroad. The west coast of France is accessible to all, more likely to have sun on the day, a bit different and we think fits the bill. We have visions of a church in a small town or village and then a really relaxed meal on the tables outside a restaurant overlooking the square / beech / pleasant village buildings etc. You get the idea. Inland is also fine, what we’re really after though is a starting point so the question is this:

Does anyone know a good or ideal or pretty little place to consider? Anyone done anything similar or considered it before?

Thanks guys


Assuming you are already with the rather strict residency requirements for wedding in France, the following resources may be helpful:


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