Tuesday, April 17, 2012

paris for 1 week May 5-12

Any suggestions guys? I%26#39;m not sure if this is enough time to see the city itself!! This will be my first trip to Europe!!!

Any recommendations will be appreciated.




One week is definitely not enough time to see Paris. I made my first trip to Europe (Paris) last year, spent a week, and just had time to hit the hot spots, with perhaps a few diversions. You will find lots of helpful suggestions on this site. Much of the information you will need can be found by doing a keyword search within the forums. My suggestion would be to pick out the top four or five things you would like to do, then allow yourself plenty of time for diversions because, as I found out, there is something new to see or do around just about every street corner in Paris, thus so many things will entice you that it would be hard to stick to a strict schedule.

I created a travel blog when I went last year. You might find it helpful, as I%26#39;ve included some practical information in it, as well as a descriptive account of everything I did. It is located here:


I am heading to Paris again next week, so I%26#39;m really excited! If you have any further questions, please don%26#39;t hesitate to ask.

PS...if you can provide a little background information about you, that might help us with making recommendations for you.

Enjoy your trip!


What type of suggestions?

You can see a lot in a week and get a feel for the city. Of course, if you can, try to stay longer.


One week is good enough to see most sights.



Read this forum for awhile. Use the search function at the top of the page when you want additional information about various topics and when you have an idea of what you want to see, type your itinerary on this forum and we will help you organize it or tell you if it efficiently uses your time--or anything else you want to know.


Lucky you...a week in paris there are thousand fo things to do..first of all you have to walk, that;s the best thing to do in paris...

Thng you could do :

- Quartier Latin (south of St Michel Station) good shopping deal, good food

- Saint Germain des pres

- Notre dame (center of paris)

- Republique and Bastille (walking around and for night %26quot;round%26quot;

- Parc monceau is nice too

- Champs Elysee (some %26quot;not too cheap shopping%26quot;)

- Louvre !!!, a lot of museum all around paris

for more update infos you can still go to …franceguide.com/destinations/…



Someone gave me a few Christmas ago an illustrated book. Small sketches of Paris most important buildings and parks, with a short history for each one. There are 535 different sketches..so there are a lot of things to see in Paris, not counting just soaking in the %26quot;ambiance%26quot; of some little corners of the city. The mistake many tourists do--including me in my youthful days, when I thought that I was so much smarter than my parents--is to literally run around a town with a list of %26quot;must see%26quot; and a stop watch. My dad%26#39;s idea of touring a town was to sit down in an interesting square and just relax. It took me years to understand that he learned more about that town by lazing about that I did by running around its museums. Several poster made great suggestions, including NOT going out of Paris for several day trips. Take your time everyday to %26quot;loiter around%26quot; for a while. In Europe this is not a crime but one of the smartest things to do.


No, one week isn%26#39;t even close to enough time to %26quot;see the city.%26quot; However, it is a nice introduction to Paris and you can see a number of your %26quot;must sees%26quot; as well as wander around a bit. I think it is enough time to fall in love with Paris and start planning your second trip in which you won%26#39;t even come close to seeing it all that trip either! But you%26#39;ll love everything you see!


I found one week to be enough time. We spent much of our time at musuems. We did about 2 a day, with time to see the areas around each. We even had time to visit Versailles. I am going about the same time as your are, and again, just doing a week. You will absolutely love Paris. And if you don%26#39;t see it all, you will have an excuse to go back again.


And don%26#39;t forget Montmartre with Sacre Coure. Spend the day there exploring and visiting tahe museums and squares. One of my favorite areas, though lots of tourists.


Try to learn a bit of the language. They really appreciate it if you attempt to say please, thank you , hello, etc. I once asked a policman directions and he actually applauded me.

I%26#39;m not sure if this is on the boards yet, but do the boat-ride around the city, at night. And don%26#39;t do the dinner one.

You can spend a week at the Louvre, just get a feel for it, if you go at all. You might prefer the Musee D%26#39;Orsay. Watch out for opening and closings of sights. Plan you days around them.

DO NOT EAT at any restaurant on the Champs Elysee. Do not buy anything on that street. It is so not Paris. Go find some wonderful side streets to meander down. And definatley buy something at every patisserie you pass. You will walk off all of the calories. Paris is a GREAT walking city.

I will be there for the 6th time in May and can not wait. It is my favorite city in the world.

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