Sunday, April 15, 2012

CDG to Le-Puy: a place to stop, eat, and let a 4 yr old play

We are taking a crazy trip, and will be driving from CDG to Le Puy en Velay. My son is a great traveler, but we will get off the plane from the US and into a car for another 7 hours. I%26#39;m hoping to find an %26quot;off-the-beaten-path%26quot; town with a nice lunch and a playground so he can get his ya-yas out. Any ideas?


Just bumping this up in hopes someone might have some ideas. A town between Paris and Le Puy with a local park of some sort and delicious food?


I am sorry but thinking that you%26#39;ll be in any condition to safely drive for 7 hours on the autoroute after having spent the previous night on a trans Atlantic flight illustrates questionable judgment.

By the way you pose your inquiry, I believe that you have not made this drive or a similar one previously and I should urge you in the strongest of terms not to attempt one in the future. Fatigue and high speeds on unfamiliar roadways are a major cause of accidents and fatalities.

This is the time to take the train to perhaps Clermont Ferrand (or even Lyon); pickup up your car on the following day and continue on to Le Puy en Valey.


I appreciate your response, although your evaluation of our endeavor was not what I requested. We are three adults, and along with the child, all extremely experienced travelers - hence my request to break up the trip.

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