Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tour de Framce tips

My boyfriend and I are planning on following the Tour deFrance for the first 5 stages. We are staying n Nice, Marseille, and Montpellier. Any advice on the best way to watch/follow the Tour? Thanks!


Probably not much help but the best way is on a bike as cyclists are allowed to travel along the route long after cars are stopped. Otherwise it is best to decide if you want to see the start or finish each day. Get there early, abandon the car where you can and do the last mile or two on foot. Apart from when they are in the big mountains, there isn%26#39;t a great deal of point in being at an intermediate point along the route as the field is likely to fly past in 60 seconds or so.

You can%26#39;t actually see what is happening in any bike race, apart from on TV. I did quite a bit of cycling in my youth and often had no idea what happened, even in races in which I took part, only finding out afterwards who had instigated breaks, who worked and who didn%26#39;t and so on. It is quite interesting to station yourself a hundred yards or so beyond the finish line, where riders will often get into team buses and sometimes hang around chatting about the stage.

The prologue stage in Monaco is your best chance to see individual riders. For avid cycling fans, just seeing the most famous riders is akin to a religious experience. There is a story of an elderly man asking Bernard Hinault to confirm that it was indeed him. Hinault duly did so and the old man replied, %26#39;I have spoken to Bernard Hinault. I can go to my grave content.%26#39;


Thanks for your insight!

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