Thursday, April 19, 2012

2 day sojourn

Hi , we have a week in Paris in July but r planning on spending the final two days outside the city.

Woudl love to visit another country while in Europe so what is a reasonable drive from Paris (we will have a hire car, as we r then off to Normandy for a further week).

I was thinking Belgium but r there any other options within a 3-4 hour drive.

Many thanks.


Hi scoop1962

I spend a great deal of time in France on business. Given you plan to go from Paris to Normandy, here are some suggestions:-

1. If you absolutely MUST go to another country (given your itinerary) then Belgium/Brussels is best, but I suggest the high-speed train as you will be in completely the wrong direction for Normandy

2. Loire Valley: west of Paris in approximate direction for Normandy and with some beautiful places to visit. This would make a perfect 2-3 tour on your way west.

3. Chartres: very close to Paris with a magnificent cathedral.

4. Head North and visit the Somme area: there are numerous visits to WW1 %26amp; 2 areas if history interests you.

Hope this prompts some ideas :-)


Thanks SW1.

We will need to hire a car for the week in Normandy.

Should we hire it in Paris and if so, is it easy to navigate our way out of Paris to the Loire Valley or should we hire a car outside Paris, and if so, any recomendations.

As a business traveller any recom for places to stay and dine in Loire Valley, SW1.?

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