Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is the favorite city of Parisians?

For those who are native Parisians, I wonder what their favorite city is?

I ask this because I was walking down Park Avenue in New York last night thinking to myself how I like my native New York, but how much I love going to Paris. I wonder if Parisians feel the same way about their city.


Many Parisians are not born in their favorite city might be their native one (it always look better from far away..). Don%26#39;t forget that living in Paris is not always roses if one has to live in the boonies and commute for hours to work in Paris..some Parisians hardly ever see the best parts of the city. it is the same in most big cities.


Many people living in Paris are indeed not born in Paris and most of them, at least many of them, have been obliged to move to the capital to find a job.

I am born in Paris, I know other people born in Paris.

It is hard to understand how your favorite city could not be a nice city, where you grew up and spend years and have so many memories.

As far as I know, born in Paris, in love with Paris.


I%26#39;m pretty sure that the majority of Parisians would say Cleveland.

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