Saturday, April 21, 2012

natural fois gras

would you please advice me from where can I buy natural Fois gras in Paris?


I bought from Fauchon in the Madeleine square (expensive, but many choices).


I don%26#39;t think that unnatural fois gras is sold anywhere. The real thing can be found in just about any supermarket or food store.


Monoprix stores have a line of products called %26#39;Monoprix Gourmet%26quot; and their foie gras is excellent and very reasonably priced.


In one sense, Sydneynick is correct, in that it being an animal product, it is natural. In another sense, it is not natural, as it is created by forcing a metal tube down a bird%26#39;s throat and pouring food in, which of course, is not natural at all.


It is possible get foie gras made without gavage if that is what is meant by %26#39;natural%26#39; - I%26#39;ve never seen it on sale in france though I haven%26#39;t gone looking for it - maybe try health food and bio shops.


There is another thing to consider: by foie gras the French mean goose liver. This is by far the tastiest..especially from free range gooses. True fans of foie gras buy the whole uncooked liver then cook it themselves. This is perhaps what the OP meant by %26quot;natural%26quot;

Mostly one finds liver pate (paste) in stores. Either true goose liver, with or without truffles --this is a whole other story as all truffles aren%26#39;t created equals--or liver pate from ducks, chickens and even mixes of the last 2 with ??? some filler.

As for many things price is often a clue to quality. Fauchon, Hediard (both on Place de la Madeleine) and Comtesse du Barry (…) are trustworthy places.


%26quot;There is another thing to consider: by foie gras the French mean goose liver%26quot;.

Not exactly, foie gras is also made with duck liver (foie gras d%26#39;oie or foie gras de canard). They are both tasty, it is a matter of personal taste.

%26quot;Mostly one finds liver pate (paste) in stores. Either true goose liver, with or without truffles --this is a whole other story as all truffles aren%26#39;t created equals--or liver pate from ducks, chickens and even mixes of the last 2 with ??? some filler%26quot;.

If the can is labelled foie gras d%26#39;oie or foie gras de canard, it is foie gras - with or without truffles in which case it would be %26quot;truffé%26quot; - and nothing else.

Patés made with chicken liver or mixes are called pâté de foies de volaille or mousses de canard, mousses de foies de volaille, etc... It would be illegal to call them otherwise.

There are 3 %26quot;legal%26quot; categories of foie gras in France (appellations):

Foie gras entier : made with the liver or parts of the liver of the same animal - the most expensive.

Foie gras : made with parts of the liver of different animals

Bloc de foie gras : a mix of finely chopped duck (or goose) livers. When bigger pieces of liver are added to the mix, it is called %26quot;bloc de foie gras entier%26quot;.


Foie gras is also made by ducks

Pate and foie gras are very different

Foie gras is easy to find anywhere even tiny corner shops will have at least %26#39;bloc de foie gras %26#39; in tins [cheapest] to whole or parts of livers vacumm packed or frozen or canned

Picard is a good source of frozen raw foie gras - either whole livers or bits for serving something in the Rossini fashion


%26quot;Foie gras%26quot; doesn%26#39;t mean goose liver - it means fat/fattened liver, and in France (by far the largest producer in the world) 97% is duck liver, the rest is goose liver.

It appears that there is one producer in Spain that makes goose foie gras %26quot;sans gavage%26quot;: the Pateria de Sousa.


My butcher on rue de Castellane makes his own foie gras. Delicious! Metro Madeleine.

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